Sheerness Port

 Services Ltd

Ships Agency - Medway & Thames Area

Our experience


The company was established in September 2012 when after having been employed by the Port of Sheerness Ltd (Peel Ports Ltd) for 12 years they closed the agency department and we were transferred to another company. This arrangement unfortunately did not work out and we have now been trading as an independent ships agency company since that time.


We have managed to secure agency agreements for the following cargoes into Sheerness and Medway: Fruit, Timber, Newsprint, Electric Cables, Bulk Cargoes, Steel, Scrap and off shore wind farms.


We have 3 weekly services so we have vessels in port virtually every day so we are always in the port area.




Paul Jeffrey has worked in the Port since 1973 and has worked for the following companies: Kaye Son & co. Ltd., Benjamin Ackerley & Son Ltd., Anderson Gardiner Shipping Ltd., George Hammond Shipping Ltd., Cory Brothers Shipping Ltd. and Peel Ports Ltd. In that time Paul has covered ships agency in most South East Coast ports.




Andy Boakes has worked in the Port since 1982 and has worked for the following companies: Seaking Shipping Ltd., Kent Line, Norfolk Line, Cobelfret and Peel Ports Ltd. In that time Andy has covered ships agency in most South East Coast ports.




Company number  08196739,  VAT 15626684, Registered office: Sheerness Port Services Ltd, 6 Sunnyfields Drive, Sheerness, Kent ME12 3DQ. Telephone: +44(0)1795 660000

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